Students from 2nd through the 5th grade will be graded in the same general way. There are three areas that make up a student's grade:
  • Participation during class (50%)
  • Daily exercise tests (25%)
  • Fitness assessment (25%)
Participation During Class:
50 % of a student's nine weeks grade will come from the work they do during normal PE class activity (stretching, skill work, practice, game play, activity play). As the teacher, I keep a log of student's that are not participating (P), not working with others (S), and not working as a team (T). If a student does not demonstrate these qualities or characteristics associated with "trying" or "working hard" during class, their name will be recorded, the infraction type, and the date. At the end of the nine weeks these are counted up and for each infraction, a students "Participation During Class" grade will fall from A+ to A to A- to B+ to B to B- to C+ and so on for each infraction. This grade will count for 50% of the student's final nine weeks grade.
Daily Exercise Tests:
25% of a student's nine weeks grade will come from a short test at the beginning of each class. After stretching, students will be challenged in some type of exercise type "test". The "test" is a way to get student's warmed up and to mildly try to improve fitness levels. The tests can be often timed but sometimes are not. The tests can call for a fast run, jog, or even a walk. To make recording the scores easy and fast, students will receive either an star or no star, also referred to as a check or a zero. No grades fall between because the goal of each test is made fully attainable by all students. At the end of the nine weeks the checks are counted up versus the zeros and the final grade will reflect 25% of the student's nine weeks grade.
Fitness Assessment:
25 % of a student's nine weeks grade will come from a fitness assessment administered one time every nine weeks. The assessments include test such as a mile run, half mile run, 5 minute run-walk, and 10 minute run-walk. Standards for these assessments take into account all students abilities and the score of "B" is assigned to the normal standard all students can easily attain. An "A" is for those students who acheive high above a normal standard. A "C' or below will be assigned to those students who score below and far below the normal standards students shold be able to attain. This one time each nine weeks score will count for 25% of the student's nine weeks grade.
Student's in 3rd grade to 5th grade will receive a letter grade, A, B, C, D, or F, using these three areas. A 2nd grade student will have their grade computed the same way, but then it will be transferred to the coinciding grade of E, S, N, or U.